Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Shadow Of Myself EP REVIEW (SINGLE)

                                    SHADOW OF MYSELF

Recently Shadow Of Myself  put out their new 3 song EP and although I had already heard the Super Addictive song YOUR ADDICTION, I was smiling from ear to ear when I heard the companion songs that went with it. When I think about this Ep it reminds me of albums you hear by such bands as Breaking Benjamin, Five Finger Death Punch , Eve To Adam and Three Days Grace, where you start the album and just let it roll to the end. There is absolutely no let down in this short but fully packed EP. Its the type of album that garners attention from the moment it starts and the band has gained my RESPECT as serious up and coming band that will soon be presented to the world. What is even more incredible is the fact they are working on a full length for later on in 2013 which will most likely end up being someones Album Of The Year, if it keeps up the pace this EP has began. I am really excited for everyone to get a chance to purchase this album and I will post a link to it at the bottom. This 5 piece unsigned  band was formed in 2009 and are based out of Charlotte NC,but I do not see this band unsigned for long. That is if the right people just get to hear a taste of what they are serving in the rock community. Several radio stations in the region have already played their tracks and when it comes to putting crowds in a venue, they know how to bring them in with high energy shows.


  • VOCALS - Travis Keziah
  • LEAD GUITARIST - Brian Baker
  • RYTHEM GUITARIST - John Conway
  • BASSIST - Brian Riley
  • DRUMS - Dustin Foley

                                         YOUR ADDICTION

  1. SUPRALIMINAL - From the start the band is HEAVY as hell, you already realize this is going to be something special. The cleans are superb and every once in awhile you get to throw your horns up with some screams. This is a song you play loud and you throw down till the end. When its over you pick up the stuff you threw down, start the song back over and do it again. It is that Damn good. The guitar work stands out and the drums are being beat at the highest level. At least once while you were listening to this song you blasted those drums also, because you were so wrapped up. Perfect song to open with.
  2. UNTIL THE END - I would say this would be my favorite song on this album. It gives you  a couple changes in TEMPO and I love the way it blends in out. Towards the end it  becomes the perfect sing a long song and I can just imagine how awesome it would be to hear and see the band singing this song live. I really hope I do get to see them soon. Although the vocals are great in this song, its the bands relentless playing in the beginning and unified  togetherness in the end that stands out in this track.
  3. YOUR ADDICTION - The first song I ever heard from the band and it was also a part of the COMPILATION DISK Struggles From The Pit that The Pit Unsigned put out. I was so happy when the guys sent the track to me, because it was one of those tracks that I really wanted to be on it. This is a BRUTAL song about a girl that you can not do without, but obviously she does not have the same feelings about you and you are about to go crazy. The song gets harder and harder escalating to a breaking point in the end and you can feel the energy in the song build to its breaking point. Its powerful and brings to a close the best album I have ever reviewed.



                         THE PIT UNSIGNED

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